Wouldn't it be great if the men thought you were one of the "coolest" women around? Here's the thing -- it takes a really special woman to make men think she's "cool." Are you cool? Do the men around you like you and respect you? Are they impressed by you? The good news is that being "cool" isn't all that hard to do at all! In today's newsletter, we'll be discussing three reader e-mails I recently received, and see how they illustrate which traits are "cool" and "uncool" in the dating game. Feel free to take notes, because you may have never heard of these traits before! TRAIT #1 - DO YOU HAVE A BAD TEMPER? Do you get made when he doesn't call as often as you want, or when he cancels a date, or when he does something you don't agree with? Do you sometimes argue with him over what he sees as "little th...
This website deal with tips about love, relatlonshlp, romance, friendship,marriage and divorce.Note this website was formally loveandrelationshiptip.com the name has now change to loveandfriendshiptip.blogspot.com