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"Men have a lot more fun with dating than women. Do you ever wonder why? I'll show you why and teach you how to approach dating with the same mindset." Start "dating like a man" to have more fun AND improve your chances of finding the perfect man for you FAST! Hi Ladies, Have you ever wished you could date like a man? Don't you think men have it SO good? Do you ever wonder why this is? Let me ask you: Do you sometimes think about the way men approach dating and wish you could have the same approach, success, and, ultimately, just enjoy it as much as guys do? Do you think men are more in control in dating? Like we have the upper hand? Do you think a woman can gain that kind of control in dating? Do you agree that women over-analyze things and that men are much more relaxed when it comes to dating? How do you think you will do in dating if you can learn how NOT to let your emotions control what you do and - ultimately - the outcome? ...
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