Are you in a relationship with a man right now... or do
you secretly wish you were?
No matter what your situation is right now, in the
Unforgettable Woman community, our goal is to help you
find true love and happiness with the man of your dreams.
On the journey to find true love and happiness, there are
a few challenges. Most people give up and never overcome
these challenges. Today I would like to share with you how
to deal with the 2 biggest challenges women face in a
Challenge #1:
Things Will Get Boring.
The first few months of a new relationship are almost
always sizzling hot. But after things settle down, the
thrill fades away, and the relationship becomes a
little... boring.
If you've been in a failed relationship before, you know
how it goes!
So how do you deal with this challenge?
First of all, don't panic. All relationships go through
the quieter, less exciting stage after the first few
months. And it's easy for the couple to miss the "good
times" they shared at the beginning.
I've studied this problem for years, and noticed that
women tend to do one of two things...
First, some women try to "relive" the good times by doing
the things she used to do with him at the beginning of the
relationship... such as asking him out regularly, texting
him constantly, and trying to have hours-long phone
conversations with him.
Unfortunately, this tends to RUIN everything...
Here's why. When the relationship becomes more routine and
predictable, and when the guy becomes quieter and more
passive than he was before, it's actually a good thing.
You read that right. The guy actually LIKES it like this.
Why? Because this is the time when he "gets down to
business," and starts planning the future with you. And he
needs a little time and space to do so. That's why the
relationship gets "boring."
But when you try to "bring back" the good old days, it
actually shakes him out of his concentration. And yes, he
won't like that... and he'll start withdrawing.
My advice? Don't try to "relive" the past with him, and
don't complain that the relationship is getting "boring."
Let me suggest a different approach...
Don't relive the activities. Relive the FEELINGS.
Here's the BIG secret: Guys actually don't fall in love with
what you do. They fall in love with how you make them FEEL.
If he loves you and commits to you, it means you make him
feel like no other woman can.
And that's your key: Keep the feeling alive.
Did he fall in love with you because you made him feel
appreciated? Admired? Completely at ease? Whatever those
feelings were, keep them alive... and DON'T RUIN THINGS by
trying to make the relationship exciting again.
Keep the feelings alive... and the excitement will come on
its own!
If you want to learn the MOST POWERFUL AND EFFECTIVE
techniques to keep a new relationship together... as well
as make your man happier, more affectionate, more
attentive, and more supportive, click below now:
>>> The keys to his devotion <<<
If you've ever wanted to know how to keep a man from
falling OUT of love... and instead make him more and more
faithful as the days go by... these are the only books
you'll ever need. Click for a peek at all 4 of them.
Challenge #2:
You'll Argue Over Things.
Secondly, on your path to true love and happiness with the
man of your dreams, you'll inevitably have a few
disagreements, some misunderstandings, and the odd
argument every now and then. That's normal.
What's NOT normal are arguments that last for days...
grudges being secretly held... and "keeping score" in the
relationship. These are the POISONS of relationships, and
must be avoided at all costs!
Here's why. Today, a lot of people think a good
relationship has to be 50-50: The guy has to give 50%, and
the woman has to give 50%... so everything's fair, equal,
and just.
Actually, it's when you try to make everything "fair,
equal, and just" that the arguments start!
Why? Because the moment your 50-50 slips into 51-49, or
55-45, or 60-40, and so on... then feelings start to get
hurt. Grudges start to form. You start to think, "Doesn't
he know I'm doing more than he is? The NERVE!"
See what I mean?
Let me suggest a different approach. Instead of trying to
hit a "50-50" balance, aim for "100-100."
Instead of a "give-and-take" relationship, build a
"give-and-give" relationship with him.
A "give-and-give" relationship is one where the couple
freely, willingly, and joyfully gives whatever their
partner needs... so that in the end, there's no need to
"take" anything from each other.
Isn't that so much better than keeping score?
Now, some of you might be wondering: "But Alex, didn't you
say it was wrong to give him everything because he'd take
you for granted?"
Very good, ladies! You're absolutely right - it's wrong to
give him so much... when you're just starting out as a
At that stage of love, you should be revealing yourself to
him slowly, keeping him interested, so that he'll keep
chasing you and not get lazy.
But when you're married (or at least seriously considering
to be), then THAT'S when you start giving your all to each
other. When you're married and you're still keeping a few
things secret from him, then you're doing it wrong!
I know, I know - it can be confusing when you're not
familiar with the "rules" that come with each new stage of
the relationship.
Normally, we'd have to learn the rules the hard way -
through trial-and-error - over a few years, as we go
through a few relationships. But most of us don't have
that kind of time or patience.
So I did all the work for you by writing the Crucial
Stages Of Love eBook collection, which outlines ALL the
rules, ALL the techniques, and ALL the winning
strategies... throughout ALL stages of love you'll go
through in the future.
Now you can save several years of waiting... by learning
everything in just one weekend. You're welcome!
If you're tired of relationships that never work out...
and if you're tired of seeing great guys walk away after
you make just one tiny mistake... this book will solve ALL
your problems.
And if you're still working towards your first
relationship, this book will make everything MUCH
easier... for you AND your man!
Click below to see how:
>>> 4 Steps to True Love <<<
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