Is there a toxic man in your life?
Or worse... is there more than one?
It's the holiday season - a time of hope and happiness! And I
believe your LIFE should be filled with hope and
happiness, as well.
And toxic men should have no place in your life, period.
(Make it your New Year's Resolution!)
Today, I won't be giving you the usual dating advice like
I usually do.
Instead, I'll let five of my readers give their advice to
you when it comes to dating toxic men...
"Hannah's" Advice:
Be Smarter Than Players
My advice would be to stay away fromplayers - they're bad news. I learned that the hard wayafter I first moved to the city and started datingseriously for the first time.Guys can:- Be dishonest- Cheat behind your back- Say things they don't really mean- Play with your feelings- ...and keep you coming back for more!I advise you to educate yourself about these men. Know alltheir tricks, and know all their weak spots... so thatwhen a player tries to play you, you can beat him at hisStay strong,~Hannah
"Jenna's" Advice:
Make Love Wisely
Alexandra asked me to write aboutthe one piece of advice I could give you, so here I go...Remember Alexandra's "3-6 month rule," where you have todelay sex at least 3 months to test if a man is reallyserious about you? I'll be honest - I hated that rulebecause I loved sex too much!I loved casual sex, comfort sex, and so on. I'm notashamed of it. But I do admit that after a while, it getsboring...empty. Eventually, you'll want a real, seriousrelationship with a good man.My advice? Treat sex like your "ace up your sleeve." It's theultimate prize men want to win, so make him work for it!But more than that, you WILL want to wait at least 3months... because that's the minimum amount of time a manneeds to really fall in love with you... and he'll wantyour HEART more than your BODY.And if you're stuck in a sex-only relationship, readAlex's eBook on friends with benefits to break freewithout breaking your heart. It's the book that turnedthings around for me, and I know it will work for you too!Best regards,~Jenna
"Amy's" Advice:
You Have More Power Than You Think
My advice would be to never, never, NEVER underestimateyourself. You have MORE power than you think you do!I was once in a three-year, on-and-off relationship with aguy who wouldn't commit to a more serious relationshipwith me, no matter what I said or did. He'd simply sayhe's "not the marriage type," or other such nonsense.I almost believed him... until I read Alex's eBook onemotionally unavailable men. That's when I learned that wewomen aren't born leaders, but born MOTIVATORS.I love how Alex said it: "Behind every great man is awoman rolling her eyes!"Today, I'm happily married to the guy who once claimed he"wasn't the marriage type." I simply followed Alexandra'smotivation tips... and as a bonus, my man is moreconfident, more devoted, and more attentive than everbefore.That's the power of motivation!So don't look down on yourself. He needs you, and he knowsit. And with the right approach, you can make him do
whatever you want! ~Amy
"Joy's" Advice:
Happiness Is One Good Decision Away
Hello everyone! I feel extremely honored and humbled toshare my story with you. Alexandra has helped me leave myterribly unhappy past behind me, and find the true loveI've always wanted!I used to go from one heartbreak to another. I wassuffering from depression. I even once contemplatedsuicide.But after I read Alexandra's Newsletters and books, Ilearned one fact that changed my life: THERE WASABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG WITH ME.I learned that all the bad relationships I had in the pastweren't caused by one catastrophic failure... but by onebad decision, repeated over time, over and over.But likewise, all it takes to build a good, happyrelationship with a man is one good decision afteranother. Not ten good decisions... just one!The book that changed my life was The Breakup Cure, and ifyou're going through a string of bad relationships thatare making you feel hurt, depressed, and desperate, Ihighly recommend it.Remember, there's absolutely nothing wrong with you. Youjust might be making some bad decisions. But it just takesone good decision to turn everything around. Don't giveup, and keep listening to Alexandra's advice! ~Joy
"Christine's" Advice:
Sometimes Quitting Is The Best Thing To Do
Finally, here's a beautiful holiday message from
Hey Alex! Sure, I'd love to share my story.I was in a terrible relationship with a toxic, abusive,neglectful boyfriend for 4 whole years before I read youreBook... and finally worked up the courage and confidenceto leave him.I learned that in a world that keeps saying "quitting isfor losers," sometimes quitting is actually the best thingto do. I've learned that quitting isn't losing - it'sopening up to something even better!So my advice for your readers is this: Don't ever settlefor a bad relationship. I suggest you leave him if:- He lies, cheats, or steals- He has an active crime record- He has addictions you disapprove of- He's still involved with a past lover- He's jobless and has no "drive" to work- He's not affectionate- He doesn't think your feelings are importantThe first few on that list are no-brainers, but we tend tothink that it is ok if he doesn't give us enoughaffection. We make excuses for him. We make it ok if heignores our feelings, as if it isn't disrespectful.Sometimes the hardest decision you have to make is just toanswer honestly if this particularly guy is right for you.It is the honesty that is the kicker. And no one but YOUcan do anything about it. I made excuses for my guy untilI realized how ridiculous I was.Remember, you have to let go of Mr. Wrong before Mr. Rightcan notice you. So cut off every single relationship thatbinds you to sadness and despair, and open your life up to- as Alexandra keeps saying - the happiness you deserve!~Christine
A Message Of Hope
These are just five of my happiest readers that I asked to
share their stories and advice with you. There are lots
more - but I'll save their testimonials for future
Our message to you today is this: Your life is no place
for toxic men and toxic relationships. They don't belong.
You have the power in you to get absolutely anything you
want out of life. You simply need to:
- Be smarter than players- Use sex wisely- Make good decisions- Quit toxic relationships right away- Always believe in yourself!
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You deserve a good life, a good relationship, and a good
And it is not as hard as you think!
Happy New Year,
Alexandra Fox
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