What's the biggest fear of a single woman approaching her late 20's? For most women, it's the prospect of being single forever. It's the fear of one day being called an "old maid." You know what I'm talking about if you've been asked this question before: "Why aren't you married yet?" Ugh, I hate that question! Fortunately, some of you have shared your snappiest comebacks with me: "Marriage isn't a word. It's a SENTENCE!" "When my fiance goes on parole!" "And be like you? Hopefully never!" You guys slay me. ;) Sure, some of us don't want to get married. That's fine. But I'm pretty sure most of us would like to at least have a great guy companion for the rest of our lives. Right? We don't like going through life feeling lonely, mis...
This website deal with tips about love, relatlonshlp, romance, friendship,marriage and divorce.Note this website was formally loveandrelationshiptip.com the name has now change to loveandfriendshiptip.blogspot.com