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Can marriage survive without love

Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA CALL US NOW: 410-204-4697 Available To Help You SCHEDULE CONSULTATION ≡MENU CAN A MARRIAGE SURVIVE WITHOUT LOVE? logo Back in the 1960s, The Beatles sang “All you need is love.” But do you even need love nowadays for a successful marriage? Ideally, yes. But many couples are staying together for other reasons, such as kids. Their relationship evolves from a romantic one to a parenting one. In the past, those in rocky marriages with kids would have several options: get divorced, stay together in a miserable marriage, go into therapy and work harder on the marriage, or have an affair. Having a romantic bond with your partner for decades can be challenging to say the least. It can be next to impossible when kids are involved. That’s why after the love is gone, many couples file for divorce. Should You Work on Your Marriage? If you’re living in a loveless marriage, what do you do now? Should you try to work things out? It ultimately depends on your goals.

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7 Things I Wish I’d Known About Men Before I Married By Tricia Goyer

7 Things I Wish I’d Known About Men Before I Married Knowing these truths would have helped me prepare for marriage and be a better wife. By Tricia Goyer   Growing up with my stepdad and younger brother I thought I knew a thing or two about men. While I knew not to change the channel during a football game, not to serve quiche for dinner, and not to attempt to fix a broken doorknob with a rubber band, there were a few important things I missed—things that would have helped me prepare for marriage and be a better wife. Here is my list: 1.   Men can't read your mind.  If you “hint” at wanting help, men will not get it. “I wish I was taller so I could reach that canister” sounds like a simple statement. Asking sweetly works much better. Say something like, “Honey, when you have a minute can you reach that canister for me?” 2. Men don't like to be rushed with new problems as soon as they walk in the front door.  Providing time to unwind works much better. L

4 Steps to True Love By Alexandra Fox

Are you in a relationship with a man right now... or do you secretly wish you were?     No matter what your situation is right now, in the Unforgettable Woman community, our goal is to help you find true love and happiness with the man of your dreams.     On the journey to find true love and happiness, there are a few challenges. Most people give up and never overcome these challenges. Today I would like to share with you how to deal with the 2 biggest challenges women face in a relationship....     Challenge #1: Things Will Get Boring.     The first few months of a new relationship are almost always sizzling hot. But after things settle down, the thrill fades away, and the relationship becomes a little... boring.     If you've been in a failed relationship before, you know how it goes!     So how do you deal with this challenge?     First of all, don't panic. All relationships go through the quieter, less ex

Should You Date Your Polar Opposite in 2018? By Alexandra Fox

Would you rather date a man who matched your personality... or who is the  opposite of you?     It's an age-old debate in dating: Whether "same feather" couples are more likely to succeed than "opposites attract" couples, and vice-versa.     As far as successful relationships go, "same feather" couples have a slight advantage. Since they think alike, they're better able to solve problems as a team.     But at the same time, here's a warning...     Don't make the mistake of thinking, "Okay, from now on, I'll only date guys who match my personality."     Why? Because many of us end up JUDGING men by thinking: "Hmm, he hates Italian food, but it's my favorite... so I guess I should stop seeing him..."     Or:  "Hmm, he disagrees with my preferred political leaning, so I should stop seeing him..."     Which is sad, because - if you'll notice

Timeless Love Advice From 5 of My Happiest Readers By Alexandra Fox

Is there a toxic man in your life?     Or worse... is there more than one?     It's the holiday season - a time of hope and happiness! And I believe your LIFE should be filled with hope and happiness, as well.     And toxic men should have no place in your life, period. (Make it your New Year's Resolution!)     Today, I won't be giving you the usual dating advice like I usually do.     Instead, I'll let five of my readers give their advice to you when it comes to dating toxic men...     "Hannah's" Advice: Be Smarter Than Players     My advice would be to stay away from players - they're bad news. I learned that the hard way after I first moved to the city and started dating seriously for the first time.   Guys can:   - Be dishonest - Cheat behind your back - Say things they don't really mean - Play with your feelings - ...and keep you coming back for more!   I adv