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Showing posts from February, 2016

5 Things That Keep You Hooked On The Wrong Guy By Alexandra Fox

Did you know that your love problems today may be caused by your bad past relationships ? You may think that you ' ve moved on, but deep inside , you really haven ' t - and it's wrecking your love life today .    "Sammi" was a reader of mine who went through the typical bad relationship.     She met a great new guy, and they got into a relationship that started out fantastic. For a while, things were going great, and Sammi even started looking forward to marrying the guy.     But eventually, the misunderstandings and arguments came, and they broke up after two years of dating.     Sammi was devastated, but she moved on to date other men again. Unfortunately, she brought a few bad reminders of her past relationship with her - fear, anger, and a general mistrust of men.     As a result, not one of her new boyfriends stayed long with her, no m...

If Your Man Is Sending You Mixed Signals, Read This By Devon Bradway

Men are often just clumsy in love. Before you call it quits, make sure you're not walking away from your soulmate. - - - > The truth behind his mixed signals < - - - Devon Bradway here , and today I'll be sharing a little about guys who go hot and cold . These are the men who say one thing, but do something different... and there are LOTS of them out there. Over the past several weeks, Alexandra has been receiving e-mails from our readers that ask the same thing: "Why do guys get my number, but never call?" "Why do guys ask me out to dates, but cancel at the last minute?" "Why does he say he loves me, but doesn't want to commit?" Well, today these questions will be answered... by a guy. Why me? Why should you listen to a guy, of all people? Simple - because I've been through it myself. I see other guys do it all the time. And in t...

Are You Suffering From Dating/Love Fatigue? Alexandra Fox

Dating is not for sissies. But let's not forget, we're WOMEN, so let's fix those love and dating conundrums, shall we? Nothing is as frustrating as just not getting that connection...and nothing is as important as asking for directions! Mailbag Day: Get answers for the most frustrating love questions Q. Hi Alexandra , I am so glad I found you because I really need help. I have been dating this guy for over a year now. Perhaps I shouldn't say dating... It is more like we see each other every now and again and we always sleep together. In between, we will text and we are also Facebook friends, so we stay in touch. When we are together, things are magical, but I know he is not really into me because I don't hear from him often in between. I know this is not right, but I am so hoping that he will start feeling about me the way I feel about him if I am just patients. Please help... Irene. A. Irene, my dear... I really, R...

Signs of a Failing Relationship" By Alexandra Fox

"Signs of a Failing Relationship" >>NOTE: How do you know your relationship is headed to a breakup? But more importantly -- how do you turn things around and make the relationship last? The answers are all in my book, 77 Secrets of Love, which you can take a look at below:   Hi Girls!   Tell me if you've experienced this before:   Let's say you met a great new guy, and you took a liking to each other immediately.   Within a few dates, you're already in constant communication with each other.   You text every morning.   You call every few days.   You try to see each other at least once a week.   And then, one very special date, when you feel like it's time to take the relationship to the next level, you ask him if he's ready to go steady. And after a few embarrassed moments, he says YES! What follows is a great first few days of the relationship . You're ready to scream the fact to the entire world -- you...


Some women lose their men to other women, because they don't know what to do to get the man and keep him forever. Read on to learn the secrets of how men REALLY choose their women..." - You're about to learn the biggest secrets 96% of women never learn in their lifetime to attract the man of your dream, make him fall hopelessly in love with you, and see you as the "one"! Dear Friend, Isn't love INFURIATING? You meet a lot of great guys, and you actually have feelings for some of them... but they all choose OTHER women. What's worse, the men choose TERRIBLE women! They choose women who aren't as PRETTY as you. They choose women who aren't as SMART as you. It gets worse... They choose women who aren't as CARING as you. And so on! Why do men make such CRAZY decisions when it comes to love? In a few moments, I'll tell you why and uncover a secret that can make the man you love choose you, an...