Law Offices of Todd K. Mohink, PA CALL US NOW: 410-204-4697 Available To Help You SCHEDULE CONSULTATION ≡MENU CAN A MARRIAGE SURVIVE WITHOUT LOVE? logo Back in the 1960s, The Beatles sang “All you need is love.” But do you even need love nowadays for a successful marriage? Ideally, yes. But many couples are staying together for other reasons, such as kids. Their relationship evolves from a romantic one to a parenting one. In the past, those in rocky marriages with kids would have several options: get divorced, stay together in a miserable marriage, go into therapy and work harder on the marriage, or have an affair. Having a romantic bond with your partner for decades can be challenging to say the least. It can be next to impossible when kids are involved. That’s why after the love is gone, many couples file for divorce. Should You Work on Your Marriage? If you’re living in a loveless marriage, what do you do now? Should you try to work things out? It ultimately depends on your goals....